martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

IF - Contagious / Contagioso

En la guardería no hay manera de escapar!!

At playschool there is no way to escape!!

Bueno, prueba superada!! El tema de "Illustration Friday" es "Contagioso". Excusa ideal pa sacar mi guarde, mis niños y cosillas que me pasan! (Todo verídico, eh!). Uno no se escapa de resfriados, gastrointeritis, infecciones y otras cosillas agradables. Hay mocos, vómitos y otras maravillas constantemente por todas partes... pero bueno... luego mis niños también me dan muchas alegrías y buenos ratos. Aunque aquí parezca todo lo contrario!

I did it! Another "Illustration Friday" topic, and this time I am much more satsified. "Contagious" was a good excuse to draw my playschool, my kids and the little adventures that take place every day! (All true, I swear...) There is no escape from colds, stomach bugs, infections and other delights. There is snot, vomit and other nice stuff always about... but I have fun with the little ones too, although here it doesn't seem that way!

7 comentarios:


el virus mutante de detrás del todo da mucho miedo!!!!!

Manola C. dijo...

I like it so much! It's so beautiful and funny! Very good work! ^__^

Chris Kennett dijo...

Ha! This is so true! Ever since our kids started kinder we've been bombarded by constant germs! Great pic

Vhrsti dijo...

Perfect work! As usual, Laura.

Sónia Cântara dijo...

Eheheee! That cute little devils with lots of contagious virus... Very well done!

Guillaume dijo...

it's so beautiful :) I love this picture, geat job ! félicitation, j'aime vraiment ce dessin et surtout l'idée du dessin ;)

Nicky Linzey dijo...

How true, this made me laugh a lot! Beautifully done.